A ‘waving’ (flexible) flag made of steel, painted plastic and 5000 LED lights along with 50 LED ‘light box’ stars from South Korea…for Ironstone Estate’s Christmas drive through light showA ‘waving’ (flexible) flag made of steel, painted plastic and 5000 LED lights along with 50 LED ‘light box’ stars from South Korea…for Ironstone Estate’s Christmas drive through light showArk interior exhibits designed / built in Hebron, disassembled, delivered, reconstructed in the Ark in Williamstown KYJapheth’s RoomShem’s roomShem’s roomArk dining roomArk dining roomArk kitchenArk kitchenArk kitchendesigned, built, installed rail-mounted signageArk indoor gardenArk aviaryStaining and finishing a mini cabin at the Cook Museumfinishes in Curiosity Cabin at Cook museum in Decatur ALCook MuseumCook Museumstaining / painting / trim work / specialty carving, sculpting at Cook MuseumCook MuseumCreating mounting bases for taxidermy at Cook MuseumCreating post and beam look on mitered pine boards at Cook MuseumMore sculpted corners out of mitered pineCook MuseumCreating rustic sign for exhibit entry at Cook MuseumFinishes in Curiosity Cabin at the Cook MuseumFinishing touches to the Arctic Desert exhibit at the Cook MuseumMounting delicate sea creatures for display at the Cook MuseumSea creature exhibit at the Cook Museummounting special rock collection for a ‘touchable’ exhibit at Cook MuseumCuriosity CabinCuriosity CabinConverting an empty room with a concrete floor into a cypress swamp for Duck Commander in LouisiannaPrepping and shaping a tree stump for the duck swamp in W. Monroe, LAInstalling giant windmill in Dreamworks for Motiongate Dubaidesigned and built Planisphere exhibit for North Museum in Lancasterbefore and after metal bench rebuild from an antique fire truck before and after of a rebuild of a bench (now on casters) for a museum from an antique fire truckhighlighting one of the numerous displays in the National Christmas Center museum near Middletown PAhighlighting one of the numerous displays in the National Christmas Center museum near Middletown PA